The Nation of Pacifica does not exist. This web site is for those who want to explore the peaceful possibilities of creating a Nation of Pacifica, including Alaska, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Baja California, and British Columbia.
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Supreme Court decision: In the case Texas v. White, 74 U.S. 700 (1869), the U.S. Supreme Court held in a 5-to-3 decision that individual states could not unilaterally secede from the Union. That implies that secession has to be bilateral. The U.S. Constitution does not address who can approve a state or states leaving the Union, but does require approval by the state legislature(s) as well as Congress. Many states (including California) give legislative powers to the people thrrough an initaitve process. It would be possible to place an initiative before the people of California for secession. The state legislatures of California, Oregon,Washington, etc., could also authorize secession of their individual states. In either case, some representative of the United States (most likely Congress, unlikely possibility the President) would have to also agree.
core states: This web site is for those who want to seriously explore the peaceful possibilities of creating a Nation of Pacifica, including California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Alaska, Hawaii, British Columbia, Baja California, and Baja California Sur.
Republic of California: For decades there have been calls for the independence of the Republic of California. Article 3 Section 1 of the California Constitution states The State of California is an inseparable part of the United States of America. This provision can be amended by the people of California through a voter initiative to amend the state Constitution. A companion voter initiative can authorize California to secede from the United States with the consent and approval of Congress, create the Nation of Pacifica, with or without any other states, and ratify the Constitution of the Nation of Pacifica.
traditional Nation of Pacifica: For decades there have been calls for the independence of the Nation of Pacifica as a union of Oregon and Washington, sometimes also calling for the inclusion of Idaho, British Columbia, and northern California.
Republic of Pacifica: suggests a nation consisting of California, Hawaii, Oregon, and Washington, as well as a Pacifican (political) Party. The website discusses the reasons for creating such a nation.
Oregon: There is nothing in the Constitution of Oregon that forbids secession from the United States, although the many references to the United States and particular workings of of the U.S. government will need to be changed through amendment. Oregon has an initiative process whereby the people of Oregon can authorize Oregon to secede from the United States with the consent and approval of Congress, create the Nation of Pacifica, with or without any other states, and ratify the Constitution of the Nation of Pacifica.
Washington: There is nothing in the Washington State Constitution that forbids secession from the United States, although the many references to the United States and particular workings of of the U.S. government will need to be changed through amendment, as well as specific relationships between Washington and the United States as outlined in Article 26 (Compact with the United States), which starts The following ordinance shall be irrevocable without the consent of the United States and the people of this state. Washington has an initiative process whereby the people of Washington can authorize Washington to secede from the United States with the consent and approval of Congress, create the Nation of Pacifica, with or without any other states, and ratify the Constitution of the Nation of Pacifica.
Idaho: Article 1 Section 3 of the Constitution of the State of Idaho states The state of Idaho is an inseparable part of the American Union. This provision can be amended by the state legislature submitting a constitutional amendment to the people of Idaho. The state legislature and the people can authorize Idaho to secede from the United States with the consent and approval of Congress, create the Nation of Pacifica, with or without any other states, and ratify the Constitution of the Nation of Pacifica.
Republic of Cascadia: The Republic of Cascadia would consist of the states of Oregon, Washington, and northern California as well as the province of British Columbia, divided into the prefectures of British Columbia, Oregon, and Washington. The Republic of Cascadia is named for the Cascade Mountain range annd would have a capital city Cascadia deep in the Cascade Mountains. The web site appears to be a humor site selling Cascadia merchandise.
With Bushs election there has been a lot of discussion about some of the blue states leaving the union. The two most common variations are either the Nation of Pacifica or the Republic of California, both ideas that have been around for decades. There have been numerous suggestions for which states would make up a Nation of Pacifica, most commonly Oregon and Washington in some combination with other states (such as Alaska, Idaho, and/or northern California) and sometimes Canadas British Columbia.
It would be in the self-interest of the Republican-controlled Congress to grant permission for several states to secede from the United States, as the removal of secular liberal and urban areas would increase Republican power in the United States government, and enhance the ability for the Republicans to impose a right wing Christian agenda. The secession of California, in particular, would remove the single largest secular liberal block of power from Congress and make it nearly impossible for a Democratic candidate to be elected President of the United States.
Because the citizens of the red states believe that their religious beliefs must be imposed by force of law and strongly object to the beliefs and lifestyles of the citizens of the blue states, it is likely that they will be happy to be rid of those that they view as Satanically evil. Once the Nation of Pacifica has been founded, the remaining United States can ban the import of the Hollywood movies, television shows, rock, hip hop, and R&B music, science and technology, and other secular influences they so strongly object to.
Additional possible U.S. states may include Arizona, Colorado, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming.
Additional possible Canadian provinces and territories may include Alberta, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Ontario, Saskatchewan, and Yukon Territory.
Additional possible Pacific nations and territories may include American Samoa, Baja California, Cook Islands, French Polynesia (Marqesas Island, Bora Bora, Moorea, and Tahiti), Guam, New Caledonia, Niue, Norfolk Island, Northern Marianas, Pitcairn Islands, Tokelau, and Wallis and Futuna.
Island nations in the Pacific Ocean and nations bordering the Pacific may also be interested injoining, particularly Australia, Belize (not on the Pacific, but otherwise orphaned), Brunei, Cambodia, Chile, China, Columbia, Costa Rica, East Timor, Ecuador, El Salvador, Fiji, Guatemala, Honduras, Indonesia, Japan, Kiribati, Malaysia, Marshall Islands, Mexico, Micronesia, Nauru, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Nicaragua, North Korea, Palau, Panama. Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Samoa, Solomon Islands, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, and Vietnam.
Although not connected to the Pacific Ocean or the North American West, possible additional U.S. states may even include Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Wisconsin, and Vermont.
The proposed capital of the Nation of Pacifica is Seattle, in honor of Chief Sealths famous 1854 speech.
The first project is the writing of the Constitution for the Nation of Pacifica.
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